Our theme is a reminder, for each one of us that when we choose to be grateful, it is not just a feeling but a direct choice that comes from understanding of what God has done for us, each day. A sense of gratefulness through the little things in our lives that we often overlook.
First fruits was a concept God introduced to the Israelites upon their arrival in the Promised Land. The first portion of their harvest would become a sacrifice of thanksgiving and celebration to God for His constant provision and protection.
Jesus uses example after example to drive home the point that the kingdom of heaven is the most beautiful thing we will ever experience. Are you looking for happiness or true joy that lasts?
Happy July 4th! The Sixth Sunday after Pentecost and Communion, Pastor Paul Bennett will begin the sermon series “Dual Citizenship” with the sermon based on 1 John 2:15-17.
It was never about Ruth. It was about what God wanted her to do in her life and with her life in order to take care of Naomi. I wonder what the world would look like if we/I learned how to say, “It’s not about me” more often in our lives?
Happy Mother’s Day! Sarah did not believe God could do what he said he was going to do. How many times have you not prayed because you thought that there was no way God can do something in your life?
Once we hear God’s message this Sunday, I think you will see why girls rule and boys drool. Join us in-person at 10am or 11:25am, in your cars at 8:30am or from home!
Are you ready for the truth? Are you ready to reprioritize? Are you ready to reorder your life? Join us in-person at 10am or 11:25am, in your cars at 8:30am or from home!