Welcome to RRUMC
We invite you to join us and discover how your story can be part of the larger story that God is telling every day.
We want you to find how Jesus Christ will meet you wherever you are, no matter how broken you think your story is.
We hope you can find everything you would want in a church here, where our overall goal is to help you meet Jesus Christ and have your life changed.
Below is just a snippet of what you can find here, but feel free to explore the website and discover even more. And if you have a question, we invite you to please contact us and get an answer.
Worship Service Offerings
We offer Sunday worship services at a variety of locations throughout our Rocky River campus with child care provided. We also offer a service on Saturdays at our Twice Blessed campus on the West side of Cleveland. View Worship Service details here
RRUMC is known for its music ministry. Children to adult vocal choirs, handbell choirs, soloists and instrumentalists are an integral part of each worship experience.
Groups and Studies
Our aim and purpose is for all people to experience and grow in the love of God through Jesus Christ. Opportunities to grow in faith abound at RRUMC through a variety of Group and Studies.
Community Service and Outreach
Reaching out beyond ourselves to serve the needs of others is a hallmark of RRUMC. There are many opportunities for “hands-on” service. We support several hunger centers, a variety of citywide mission centers and Africa University. There are many more examples of how we share Christian love with God’s children throughout this website, or at our information center.
Child Programs
A very active Sunday School program sharing God’s love for them through bible stories, crafts and music. In an atmosphere of Christian love, understanding and service Sunday School volunteers and teachers nurture children of all ages in their Christian growth. Individualized programs are available for: RRUMC Nursery School, Nursery & Toddlers, Preschoolers, Kindergarten through Grade 6.
Youth Programs
An awesome ministry that opens doors to all youth, challenging them to become disciples of Jesus Christ by, serving others, growing in faith and nurturing relationships. This dynamic program is available to youth in Middle School and High School. Click for more....