The Greater Cleveland Food Bank Ministry
Throughout Northeast Ohio, one in six people is food insecure – meaning they may not know where their next meal will come from.
The Greater Cleveland Food Bank seeks to bridge the meal gap, connecting individuals with the nutritious meals they need to succeed.
The Greater Cleveland Food Bank is the largest hunger relief organization in Northeast Ohio. As the central clearinghouse for donated and rescued food, the Food Bank solicits, collects, sorts, and distributes nonperishable food, fresh produce, perishable and frozen food, and prepared meals to local hunger centers and other nonprofit agencies.
In 2017, the Food Bank distributed more than 45 million pounds of food and other essential products to more than 840 programs in Cuyahoga, Lake, Geauga, Ashtabula, Richland and Ashland counties. These programs include pantries, on-site meal providers, shelters and other non-profit organizations including children’s after school programs, senior programs and rehabilitation programs.
Working with the Greater Cleveland Food Bank to stock their shelves allows community hunger relief programs to stretch their dollars, providing more food for more people in need.
Volunteer Opportunities
Six times a year in the odd number months, a group from RRUMC (ages 12 and older) travels to the Food Bank to help sort and repackage food items during a 6 to 8 PM time period. Some travel directly to the Food Bank while others meet in the church parking lot at 5:15 to carpool. To volunteer and receive registration instructions, contact Dave Sagerser at or 216 525 0779.