Why We Worship

Every time we gather to worship the Lord, our stories are becoming one with the Lord’s.

There is something amazing that happens when human beings gather together to be in worship of the divine.

And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another.
— Hebrews 10:24-25

Every time we gather to worship the Lord, our stories are becoming one with the Lord’s.

Worship is really difficult to describe with our limited vocabulary. When our stories connect with the heart of God in the midst of worship there are no words that can truly capture that experience. That is why at RRUMC we believe that we should be in worship each and every week. We want everyone to worship weekly in order to create more and more opportunities for our stories to connect with the Creator of the universe. 

There are three powerful and life-transforming things that happen in the midst of worship:

First, worship takes effort on the part of the worshipper. You have to do your part to complete the connection between your story and God. 

Second, worship is an intimate experience. The Greek word for worship is proskunEo, which is a compound word meaning to turn toward someone for the purpose of a kiss. In America today you do not kiss a total stranger. To kiss someone is to know someone and that kiss celebrates that special knowledge and relationship. 

Third, worship is not something you do alone. No matter how much you like yourself, you cannot give yourself a kiss. Worship happens in community right in the midst of everyone’s stories.

Connect your beautiful story to God’s story in the midst of worship at RRUMC this year and make a priority of: 

  1. Being present for worship services at one or more of our services offered each week.

  2. Bringing your beautiful, broken, joyful, hurting story to worship and connecting it to God.