Sermon Series
Sundays at Rocky River United Methodist Church
3/23/25 - Third Sunday in Lent and Fuller Sounds will be ringing. Pastor Paul A. Bennett will continue the Lent Sermon series, “The Third Day,” with the sermon, “Thomas.”
3/16/25 - Second Sunday in Lent. Rev. Daniel F. Bogre will continue the Lent Sermon series, “The Third Day,” with the sermon, “Peter,” based on John 21:15-19.
3/9/25 - First Sunday in Lent and Joyful Sounds is ringing. Rev. Daniel F. Bogre will begin the Lent Sermon series, “The Third Day,” with the sermon, “Mary Magdalene,” based on John 20:11-18.
3/2/25 - The story of the Transfiguration is one of the most beautiful demonstrations of the layered complexity of the holy Scriptures that exists.
2/23/25 - Seventh Sunday after the Epiphany and Fuller Sounds is ringing. Pastor Paul A. Bennett will continue the sermon series, “Healed,” with the sermon, “By His Wounds” based on Isaiah 53:1-6.
2/16/25 - God created all of you, which means he sent Jesus Christ to heal all of you, no matter what you are facing.
2/9/25 - In today’s text we hear that only one of the ten lepers came back to thank Jesus for his healing. Jesus tells him that his faith has made him well.
2/2/25 - Do you have the same certainty of faith when you pray to God for a healing through Jesus Christ?
Even with the best ever Passover celebrated last week, and tremendous house cleaning being done, NEVERTHELESS, we are still sinners.
Regardless how great our resistance to this reality, our human nature is weak. Why is it that often we need to start over with our same resolutions every year?
We can look at our past and just throw in the towel with the way we have lived our lives up to this point, or we could renew our pledge to the Lord, like King Josiah did, with all his heart and with all his soul.
Epiphany Sunday and Communion Sunday. Rev. Daniel F. Bogre will begin the sermon series, “Starting from Scratch,” with a sermon based on 2 Kings 23:4-16.
God's gift is intended as a model to teach us how to give, and I don't just mean Christmas presents.
The whole story of Jesus is there on Christmas Eve. This Advent season will his whole story become the best part of yours?
How does our senses of taste and smell teach us to taste and see that the Lord is truly good in all our lives and in this Advent season?
As Christ followers, music is seen as a means of worshipping and praising God, which is precisely what we were created to do.
Does your Christmas tree let you know that soon there will be presents there underneath it or can you see the tree as a reminder of the tree, the cross, that Jesus hung on to give us the gift of salvation?
Our theme is a reminder, for each one of us that when we choose to be grateful, it is not just a feeling but a direct choice that comes from understanding of what God has done for us, each day. A sense of gratefulness through the little things in our lives that we often overlook.
This Sunday, RRUMC will celebrate Consecration Sunday, a time to reflect on what it truly means to live a life that is holy and devoted to God.
First fruits was a concept God introduced to the Israelites upon their arrival in the Promised Land. The first portion of their harvest would become a sacrifice of thanksgiving and celebration to God for His constant provision and protection.
There is always a direct correlation between who Jesus says he is in the “I am” statements and who we are in response to them.
Jesus tells us that he is vine, and we are the branches. There is a direct connection between us and Jesus.
Dan is preaching. Sarah Roberts and Madison Mae Roberts baptized at 10:00 Sanctuary service.
Paul is preaching. World Communion Sunday. Bible Sunday for 3rd graders and Confirmation youth.
If we get to know their language and use their own words, phrases, and jargon to share the story of Jesus in our lives, we invite them into the story.
No matter how committed we are to sharing our faith, most of our witnessing endeavors take a long time to produce any fruit, if ever.
It is always going to be very difficult to get people to listen to our story if we do not first know theirs.
Regardless of our background, knowledge base, or level of expertise, if we are followers of Christ, we are meant to share our faith.
3/30/25 - Fourth Sunday in Lent, UMCOR Sunday, and the Lent Cantata will be presented. Rev. Daniel F. Bogre will continue the Lent Sermon series, “The Third Day,” with the sermon, “Emmaus,” based on Luke 24:13-24.