Entering the Passion of Jesus: Girls Rule, Boys Drool

Here we are around the dinner table of Simon the Leper in Bethany. In attendance were the disciples, Jesus and then an unwanted female outsider arrives uninvited.

What happens next made the jaws of those in attendance hit the floor. What did she do?

Why were they so angry and most importantly, who got it right? We are left with this image of this woman and these men around Jesus as we wait to see what Jesus says about what she did and the reaction of the men.

Once we hear God’s message this Sunday, I think you will see why girls rule and boys drool.

This is also UMCOR Sunday. In the wake of the recent winter storms, the United Methodist Committee on Relief is actively mobilizing resources to respond. You can give directly to UMCOR or put your check, made payable to “RRUMC,” with “UMCOR Advance #901670” on the memo line. 100% will be used to help those in need.

Join us in-person at 10am or 11:25am, in your cars at 8:30am or from home!


Entering the Passion of Jesus: Toe Jam


Entering the Passion of Jesus: You Want the Truth?