It’s all about the WHOLE story
Happy Father’s Day! Join us as we continue the sermon series with a sermon based on Genesis 41:39-44.
It’s all about the WHOLE story: Now I’m in prison?
In the midst of those life situations, are we looking for God? Are we looking for God in the WHOLE story?
It’s all about the WHOLE story: Bottom of a cistern?
Life sure has a way of sneaking up on us at times. Joseph thought everything was just fine. Yeah, he was having interesting dreams but he thought nothing of them.
Happy Memorial Day!
Pastor Paul Bennett will be preaching from Matthew 28:16-20 this Memorial Day weekend.
The Roman Road: Find Your Road
The only certainty is that Jesus Christ and his grace will be with you for the entire journey no matter what that road may have in store for you. Let’s go…
The Roman Road: A Perfect Fit
This new creation must put on new clothes, but know this; that new outfit will always be, “A Perfect Fit.”
The Roman Road: Rooted and Grafted
You too can be grafted in and your roots can find themselves deep in the love of God through Jesus Christ. Where is your life currently rooted? Join us this Mother’s Day!
Roman Road: “Not Even One”
The second Sunday of Easter, Pastor Paul Bennett will begin the sermon series “Roman Road,” with the sermon “Not Even One” based on Romans 3:9-24.
Seven Words: “Who is it you’re looking for?”
This year, as you make your way to the empty tomb of Easter morning, who is it that you are looking for? Know this. Someone has been looking for you your whole life.
Seven Words: “Even Judas?”
Join us for this powerful Maundy Thursday service on April 14 at 7:30pm.
Seven Words: I am thirsty
The one who was thirsty is the only one who can truly quench our thirst. Come and drink from the well that never stops welling up within us.
Seven Words: Woman, here is your Son
The family Jesus calls us to engage first and foremost are those we find standing alongside us as we look up from that very place we’ve spent the entirety of the Lenten season, the foot of the cross.
Seven Words: My God, My God
Where will despair and hope take you the next time you walk through the valley of death in the shadow of darkness?
Seven Words: Today You Will Be with Me in Paradise
If the complexity of religion overwhelms you at times and you seek a pure, scaled down depiction of what it looks like to embrace Christ, look no further than the criminal.
Seven Words
The First Sunday in Lent and Communion Sunday, Rev. Dan Bogre will begin the sermon series “Seven Words,” preaching a sermon based on Luke 23:32-38.
Stirred Not Shaken
Join us on Transfiguration Sunday. Pastor Paul is preaching from John 15:1-17 and Luke 9:28-34.
Stirred Not Shaken: Who Me?
Has there ever been a time when you think Jesus was actually focusing his anger towards you? How can we allow Jesus’ anger to shape or reshape us in our journey of faith?
Stirred Not Shaken: I love you but I don’t like you sometimes
How did Jesus deal with that emotion and how does the way he dealt with it help us deal with all of our own frustrations?