It’s all about the WHOLE story

2nd Sunday after Pentecost and Father’s Day.

Pastor Paul Bennett will continue the sermon series “It’s About the WHOLE Story” with a sermon based on Genesis 41:39-44.

On the roller coaster ride that has been the life of Joseph, week three of our sermon series finally has him rising back to the top after several devastating drops in fortune and status. Forget the coat of many colors from his childhood. Now he is donning a royal robe, gold chains, and the signet ring of Pharaoh, all while riding through the streets in Pharaoh’s chariot. So now that his troubles have been set aside, Joseph is free to do the same with his God, right? At least this is often our temptation. But Joseph proves that he needs God and God needs him no less on the mountaintop than in the valley. And the same is true for us as well.