Seven Words: “Even Judas?”

Join us for this powerful Maundy Thursday service.

Have you ever thought about who it was that was gathered at the table in the Upper Room? As I think, in retrospect, about what we have been studying all through the Lenten study, I am still amazed that Judas was allowed to sit at that table that night.

I guess that is why Jesus first words on the cross were words of forgiveness. Judas had sold Jesus for 30 pieces of silver. Peter will deny Jesus three times before the night is over. The other 10 will abandon him in just a few moments in the Garden of Gethsemane.

Why are any of those guys at that table that night? It is because Jesus came for the least and the lost and that is who those 12 guys were that night.

What would be written about you if you were at the table? What sin is it that has reserved you a seat at that table at the chancel rail tonight?