Geof Pelaia Geof Pelaia

First Fruits

First fruits was a concept God introduced to the Israelites upon their arrival in the Promised Land. The first portion of their harvest would become a sacrifice of thanksgiving and celebration to God for His constant provision and protection.

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Geof Pelaia Geof Pelaia

Pray and Work

On this Labor Day weekend we celebrate the American worker. We celebrate their drive, determination, and passion for the job, whatever that job might be in their life.

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Geof Pelaia Geof Pelaia

Complete Joy: “A Hidden Treasure”

We will look at how people reacted after encountering Jesus in some incredible life-changing way. Did they have a temporary joy or was it a joy that carried them for a lifetime?

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Geof Pelaia Geof Pelaia

Complete Joy: “It's A Miracle”

We will look at how people reacted after encountering Jesus in some incredible life-changing way. Did they have a temporary joy or was it a joy that carried them for a lifetime?

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Sermon Series rachel pelaia Sermon Series rachel pelaia

He Walks With Me: Home!

How do the Monarch butterflies find their way back to Mexico year after year? They don’t have Waze or Google Maps. What they do have is an internal drive to find their way home at all costs. God has given us that same drive of the Holy Spirit in all of our hearts to always long for home. Come home!

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