Witnessing for Dummies: “Busting Through Barriers”

18th Sunday after Pentecost. Paul is preaching.

SCRIPTURE: Mark 10:17-22

No matter how committed we are to sharing our faith, most of our witnessing endeavors take a long time to produce any fruit, if ever.

And those who are resistant to the message of the Gospel are often so because they’ve built a “barrier” in their heart and mind to keep it at a distance.

Maybe they’ve been hurt by previous evangelistic efforts, they are unable to rationalize God’s Word with their own understanding of science or logic, or maybe they just feel unworth to receive love from their Creator.

These and other barriers stand between many people and the new life Christ offers. In Mark 10, Jesus Himself encounters a young man whose barrier was his attachment to worldly wealth and status. How do we stay the course and push through these barriers?

This witnessing stuff is tough, we can use all the help we can get!