Complete Joy: “It's A Miracle”

12th Sunday after Pentecost. Dan is preaching.

Scripture: John 2:1-11

Sermon Title: “It’s a Miracle!”

Jesus changes water into wine at a wedding feast. It was a time of incredible joy for all gathered there at the wedding banquet.

Only Jesus could take an earthly joy that everyone was experiencing and take it to whole other level.

Try to imagine the joy his mother felt when she saw the miracle take place in front of her. Think of the joy she felt knowing that was her son. Think of the joy of those at the banquet with the best wine of all time coming out at the end of the party.

We will look at how people reacted after encountering Jesus in some incredible life-changing way. Did they have a temporary joy or was it a joy that carried them for a lifetime?

How will, or did, you react when Jesus changed you forever?