Quarantine: Stuck in a holding pattern
It feels like we are stuck. Are we ever going to get through this pandemic? Is there a light at the end of the tunnel?
Quarantine: Escape Room
How have you experienced a living Jesus Christ in the midst of these last 19 months and how is he using them to prepare you for the new community on the other side?
Quarantine: You Don’t Know What You’re Missing
Where have God’s challenges and hard truths caused us to turn away, or even just stall out in our faith? Has our experience of the pandemic distanced us from Jesus and the church in the same manner?
Quarantine: Alone is not so alone
In your times of quarantine and isolation are you aware that you are not alone?
Sacrament: What are you looking at?
Jesus calls us to witness to our faith. We are to share our faith and our faith experience of Jesus Christ and how he is, was, and will move in our lives.
Sacrament: Once you were not, but now you are.
Today we are hoping that you will come to grips with the fact that you have truly been consecrated. Now that you know that, what’s next?
Sacrament: The Right Way to be Right
Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost, Pastor Paul Bennett continues the sermon series “Big Church Words” with a sermon about righteousness based on 2 Corinthians 5:11-21.
Sacrament: Big Church Words
Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost, Rev. Dan Bogre continues the sermon series “Big Church Words” with a sermon about covenant based on Exodus 19:1-8.
Sacrament: Some Things are Still Sacred
With so many church traditions and rituals that have grown extinct over the course of the church’s 2000 year history, why are sacraments still a part of regular church practice? What can they continue to teach us about ourselves and our relationship with God?
Dual Citizenship: I Lost My Invitation
What you do with the invitation now will decide if you receive the invitation for the party that lasts for all eternity. You have been invited. What have you done with the invitation?
Dual Citizenship: The Underground Kingdom
Are we missing the full experience of God’s Kingdom at work in our world and within us?
Dual Citizenship: I Sure Could Go for a ‘Now And Later'
Jesus uses example after example to drive home the point that the kingdom of heaven is the most beautiful thing we will ever experience. Are you looking for happiness or true joy that lasts?
Dual Citizenship: A Patriotic Christian?
Happy July 4th! The Sixth Sunday after Pentecost and Communion, Pastor Paul Bennett will begin the sermon series “Dual Citizenship” with the sermon based on 1 John 2:15-17.
Leading Ladies: It’s Not About Me
It was never about Ruth. It was about what God wanted her to do in her life and with her life in order to take care of Naomi. I wonder what the world would look like if we/I learned how to say, “It’s not about me” more often in our lives?
Leading Ladies: A Broken Chain
Happy Father’s Day! You are someone’s link to faith in their life. Will you step up for them and for Christ when you are called upon?
Leading Ladies: Losing the Labels
Rahab shows us that labels mean nothing, what matters is faith in action.
Leading Ladies: Not Your Typical Superhero
Graduate Recognition and Music Appreciation Sunday, Rev. Dan Bogre will begin the sermon series “Leading Ladies” based on Luke 8:1-3.
God Knows Best: I Just Don’t Want To
Happy Memorial Day Weekend! Join us as we discover why our minds tell us God indeed knows best, but our hearts tell us to run the opposite direction.
God Knows Best: Not Without the Holy Spirit
We are given everything we need in the Holy Spirit. God knows how to turn your “I Can’t” into your “I Will.” Join us for our Bike Blessing today!
God Knows Best: Big Buts
The problem is that we all have big buts that just keep getting in the way. What would happen if we did not get those second chances?