Listen to Him!
Transfiguration Sunday and Communion Sunday. Pastor Paul A. Bennett will be preaching on the Transfiguration with a sermon based on Luke 9:28-36.
The story of the Transfiguration is one of the most beautiful demonstrations of the layered complexity of the holy Scriptures that exists.
Within, we see allusions to countless themes, events, and characters from the Old Testament including one of the essential feasts of the early Jews.
The story also points us forward to the Garden of Gethsemane, the cross, and even the imagery of Revelation. But what does it all mean?
Generally, when God's voice audibly bellows forth from the clouds, His words are a great place to start in our search for meaning.
But for this story, and for the Lenten journey it will most certainly prepare us for, this is just the beginning.