Do You Taste and Smell What I Taste and Smell?
3rd Sunday of Advent. Advent Wreath Devotional. Dan is preaching.
SCRIPTURE: Matthew 26:17-30
Do you remember the pandemic?
Many people lost their sense of taste and smell when they got COVID. Can you imagine losing three of the five senses you have to take in, understand, and enjoy the world around you?
Psalm 34:8 says, Taste and see that the Lord is good. Taste, and so many times smell goes right along with it, opens up our memories to things that have happened in the past.
They remind us of wonderful holidays and family gatherings.
Jesus literally tells his disciples, and all of us when referring to eating communion, do this in remembrance of me.
So many times in the gospels food and a shared meal is a common denominator to the story.
How does our senses of taste and smell teach us to taste and see that the Lord is truly good in all our lives and in this Advent season?