Do You Feel What I Feel?

Fourth Sunday of Advent and Cantata Sunday. Rev. Daniel F. Bogre will be preaching the sermon, “Do You Feel What I Feel?” based on the Advent Study, “Experiencing Christmas: Christ in the Sights and Sounds of Advent,” and John 19:38-42.

The whole story. There are only two times in the gospels that we hear that Jesus was completely and wholly in the arms of someone else.

Eight days after Jesus is born, he is taken to the temple to be circumcised and Simoen takes Jesus fully into his arms.

The other time is when Joseph of Arimathea takes Jesus body down from the cross to prepare him for burial. Those two times Jesus is completely and utterly in the arms of someone else.

I can only imagine what that human touch meant to Simion and Joseph of Arimathea.

It is at the beginning of his earthly existence and at the very end of it. Jesus being born into the world is only part of the story.

The whole story of Jesus is there on Christmas Eve. This Advent season will his whole story become the best part of yours?


The Wisdom of the Foolish


Do You Taste and Smell What I Taste and Smell?