The Third Day: Mary Magdalene

First Sunday in Lent and Joyful Sounds is ringing. Rev. Daniel F. Bogre will begin the Lent Sermon series, “The Third Day,” with the sermon, “Mary Magdalene,” based on John 20:11-18.

We always approach Lent with the knowledge that Easter morning is at the end of this difficult journey.

At my first church we had a saying, “Sunday’s Coming!” That is because we knew that the tomb would be empty on Easter morning.

All that Mary Magdalene knew was her Savior was dead. She was looking for a body.

We know that Sunday’s coming and yet so many of us are still just looking for a dead body.

Are you looking for a body in a cemetery or are you looking for a risen Savior to welcome into your heart?


The Third Day: Peter


Listen to Him!