The Wisdom of the Foolish

First Sunday after Christmas Day. Pastor Paul A. Bennett will be preaching a sermon based on Matthew 2:1-12.

We all know the dominant theme that encircles our Christmas celebrations.

Jesus has come into the world to show us the Father's love and to pay the penalty for our sins upon the cross.

But Christmas changes so much more than just our sin status, it is also meant to change our very approach to life, to invite us to live in a manner considered foolish by those the world deems wise.

God's gift is intended as a model to teach us how to give, and I don't just mean Christmas presents. The magi set the tone for us by how much they were willing to invest and sacrifice in order to worship the newborn King.

Will we follow their example by stopping at nothing to worship Him?

Will we heed the call God places on our lives by the example He sets in giving us His one and only Son?


Starting from Scratch: The more things change, the more they stay the same.


Do You Feel What I Feel?