Circuit Rider – September 2024
Our Circuit Rider is our way of sharing all of the news and events that are going on in our church community!
RRUMC is Hiring a Sports Ministry Coordinator
Sports Ministry Coordinator will provide new activities and opportunities to expand the sports ministry at RRUMC.
Ukranian Family Seeks Housing- Can You Help?
I would like to let the congregation know about a young family that is trying to escape the daily bombing in Kharkiv, Ukraine, and is in need of temporary housing in Cleveland.
Youth Ministries
Returning this year is Common Grounds. Common Grounds aims to foster a sense of community and belonging among middle school and high school students.
Moll Society Members Meet and Greet
Join us following each worship service on Sunday, September 29, to meet some of our Moll Society members and consider joining these faithful friends. And know that I, Rev Dan, or any member of our Endowment Committee would welcome the opportunity to meet with you and learn how you meet Jesus Christ in the midst of your story.
Reflections By Rev. Dan Bogre
In Romans 8:28, Paul says “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” I watched God work for good in the midst of a very difficult time for many people. It has reminded me to not only be aware that God brings the most incredible miracles out of difficult situations, but to search for the miracles in those situations.
Director of Music for Hire at RRUMC
The Director of Music is responsible for the oversight of the entire music program at Rocky River United Methodist Church and for the spiritually-intentional process of drawing RRUMC’s congregation into worship, and thus closer to God, through music.
Circuit Rider – August 2024
Our Circuit Rider is our way of sharing all of the news and events that are going on in our church community!
Koinonia: Faith & Fellowship
The Discipleship Committee, which is best known for facilitating the Advent & Lenten studies and Disciple studies, has been hard at work developing a new ministry that will provide ongoing faith development opportunities. Although plans are still very much in the infancy stage, the excitement for this new ministry is such that the committee wanted to give YOU, the congregation, a sneak preview of the plan.
August is National Make-A-Will Month
Did you know that August is “National Make-aWill Month”? It is the perfect time to be reminded of the importance of creating or updating your last will and testament (will).
Greetings from Twice Blessed Free Store and Story Church!
We hope this message finds you well and enjoying your summer so far! We have some exciting updates to share with you about all the wonderful things happening at Twice Blessed Free Store and Story Church.
Backyard Missions
Thanks to all the Backyard Missions volunteers for a very productive day!
Youth Ministries
The 2024 Youth Mission team cleared out the field next to Nottingham UMC in early July. The field will be used by kids throughout the community to play a wide variety of games, and the field will also be used by the church for community events in the future. Thanks to everyone for their prayers and support!
Reflections By Rev. Dan Bogre
RRUMC, you are my family. Thank you for carrying me for the last 13 years. I hope we have many more years together as we love each other into our mission: “It’s all about the story. We exist to help people meet Jesus Christ in the midst of their story.” Thank you for being such a blessing in my story. I love you, church.
Children's Ministries- Vacation Bible School
VBS 2024 has ended, but the hearts that have been changed through the week are just beginning their journey. This year at SCUBA, we learned how to have a friendship with God. Each day was filled with all kinds of adventures.
Circuit Rider – July 2024
Our Circuit Rider is our way of sharing all of the news and events that are going on in our church community!
Story Church and Twice Blessed Free Store
Thank you! At our July 27 Story Church distribution, 300 students will be provided a backpack and all school supplies they need entering the 2024-25 school year!
Youth Ministries
Mini golf and a day of worship at the Fest, there is so much planned for our youth this month!