Fall Bible Study Opportunities

The following studies will begin in September. Sign up in late August or early September at one of the tables outside worship or via the Church Office at office@rrumc.org or 440.331.7676, or by contacting the group leader.

We would need your name, e-mail, and phone number. Disciple I books will be provided by the church for free. Disciple IV books can be purchased from the church for $50; exact change or check made out to “RRUMC” please. Both are available in the Church Office.

Genesis to Revelation - Thursdays at 6:30pm.

Study the entire Bible from Genesis to Revelation, including a verse-by-verse, in-depth look at the Scriptures and background material. This study is ongoing, but you can join them at any point. They began studying Acts in August and plan to follow that with Numbers/Deuteronomy in November, Job next March, and Luke next July. Discussions will include focus on word studies, the history of the biblical setting, and a consideration of today’s geography as compared to biblical geography. Along with discussions, use of a participant book will aid the process of applying Scripture to current life situations. This study is geared toward participants who want to take their faith journey to the next level (regardless of the level they may presently be on) and are interested in developing deep ties and experiencing multi-generational relationships with other members of the church. Participants are expected to attend as many classes as possible and will be provided with a rich learning environment. Led by Dave Huller, dhuller@cox.net; contact him regarding book purchase.


Ladies in Faith Together (LIFT) Lyrics of Life: A Psalm for Every Situation by Lisa Harper, Tuesdays at 6:30pm, September 24—November 12.

We sometimes feel like we need to curate our emotions when we talk to God. But God wants us to come to him honestly, no matter what we are feeling or going through in life. The Ladies in Faith Together group will meet on Tuesday evenings from 6:30-8pm. Join us as we watch Bible teacher Lisa Harper as she teaches from the book of Psalms looking at the variety of circumstances faced by followers of God. In this eight-session series, we learn how to find comfort in any situation based on this songbook of the people of God. For more information, please contact Lynn Gorton at LGorton@rrumc.org.


Disciple I: Becoming Disciples Through Bible Study - Wednesdays at 7-8:30pm, beginning September 25.

Disciple I provides a viable option for busy people seeking comprehensive engagement over time with the entire biblical text. This is a 24 week study, devoting 12 weeks each to the Old Testament and the New Testament. Participants read a manageable 3-5 chapters of the Bible daily in preparation for the weekly meetings, which last approximately 90 minutes. Various videos will be utilized to add insights into weekly lessons. Led by Jennifer Schwelik at jennifer.schwelik@gmail.com and Richard Draviam at rdraviam@yahoo.com. Church provides books.


Disciple IV: Under the Tree of Life - Sundays at 6:30pm, beginning September 9.

Disciple IV is intended for those who’ve completed Disciple I to continue their discipleship journey. This is a 32 week study, concentrating on Old Testament writings, the Gospel of John, the epistles of John, James, Jude, and finally, Revelation. Videos will be utilized to add insights into weekly lessons. Led by Dave Huller, dhuller@cox.net. Books $50 (check or exact change).


Reflections By Rev. Dan Bogre


Director of Music for Hire at RRUMC