Reflections By Rev. Dan Bogre

Dear Friends and Family of RRUMC,

That word “family” up above means more to me today than it did when I wrote the last Circuit Rider article. My father-in-law, Eugene “Gene” Marion Haynes, died on Tuesday, June 25. He was 92 years old and doing really well right up until the day he died. My dad died in 2006 and Gene had taken me under his fatherly wings ever since. I got to be close with Gene over the last 20 years as we would visit them often and my in-laws would come up to Rocky River often.

They came to watch my boys play football, basketball, and lacrosse. We were always together for holidays and lake house weekends. They vacationed with the Bogres many times over the years. Often, Gene would put his hand on my shoulder and say, “Daniel, there is nothing more important than family.” The only person, outside of my own mom and dad, to call me Daniel was my father-in-law, Gene Haynes.

What that means is that Gene had asked me to do his funeral when he died. I could not have done it if it were not for all of you praying me through it on that Monday, July 1, at 11:00am. I felt your love, your support, and your powerful prayers. I did not want to cry throughout the service and that was exactly the case because of all of you praying me up that day. That is why I love my RRUMC church family so much. July 1 was also the start of my 13th year here at RRUMC. You have carried me through so many things in my own personal life thus far. You are watching my two boys grow up to be incredible young men as Benjamin is 17 and Alexander will be 16 in September.

My wife and I celebrated our 20th anniversary this past January. You carried me through my mom’s battle with cancer and ultimately her death in July of 2016. And now you are praying me through the death of my wife’s father and my father-in-law.

The family chose the story of Jesus turning water into wine at the wedding feast at Cana of Galilee as the main scripture for the funeral. Gene loved wine and that is one reason that they chose it. I also noticed how perfect it was for another reason. Jesus turned water into wine at a seven-day long wedding feast and celebration. It was a huge party for family and friends. That is what Gene was all about. He loved to celebrate the family and friends that he loved so dearly.

RRUMC, you are my family. Thank you for carrying me for the last 13 years. I hope we have many more years together as we love each other into our mission: “It’s all about the story. We exist to help people meet Jesus Christ in the midst of their story.” Thank you for being such a blessing in my story. I love you, church.

Peace and Blessings,
Rev. Dan


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