Greetings from Twice Blessed Free Store and Story Church!
by Lisa Thomas, Director TBFS
We hope this message finds you well and enjoying your summer so far! We have some exciting updates to share with you about all the wonderful things happening at Twice Blessed Free Store and Story Church.
First, we want to remind everyone that we are currently closed for the month of July for our annual cleaning and reorganization.
It's a huge task, but we're making great progress. We’re so excited that everything is becoming cleaner and more organized.
We can’t wait for you to see it when we reopen on Saturday, August 3!
A special shout out goes to Chiara Kimmel, our interim Donations and Sorting Coordinator. Chiara has done such an amazing job keeping everything running smoothly. Her hard work and dedication have truly made a huge difference, and we are so grateful for her and all of her hard work. Please know that we are still looking for someone to take on this role permanently, so if you know anyone who might be interested, please let us know.
As always, we are in need of volunteers to help us out on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. Your time and effort make a huge impact on our ability to serve our Cleveland community. If you can spare a few hours, we would love to have you join us.
We especially want to thank our wonderful RRUMC congregation for your generosity with donations. Your kindness helps us support so many people in need. We’re excited to report that our new donation system is working out very well, making it easier for everyone to give and for us to distribute items to those who need them.
Please mark your calendars and be sure to join us! Our 2nd Annual Block Party will be held at Story Church on Saturday, August 17, from 12:30-3:30pm. It’s going to be a BLAST with food, games, and fellowship. We’re also looking for volunteers to help make this event a success. If you can help, please join us for an orientation session on Friday, August 16, at 4:30pm at Story Church at 9900 Madison Ave.
If you have any questions, please call or text Lisa at 216.543.1978.
Thank you all so much for your continued support and for being such an important part of our community. We look forward to seeing you all soon and sharing more wonderful moments together.