Sermon Series
The second Sunday after Christmas Day, Epiphany Sunday, and Communion Sunday.
The Gift of the Nutcracker: The Rest of the Story
As you approach this Christmas morning, will it be the end of a season for you or a beautiful beginning to YOUR rest of the story?
The Gift of the Nutcracker: Thanks………..I Think
In just 5 days you will receive the gift of the Christ child. Is it a gift you need or even want?
The Gift of the Nutcracker: Don’t miss the footnote.
There is a footnote to the gift of the Christ child that we cannot miss. We must not miss the fact that the baby is not the end of the story.
The Gift of the Nutcracker: How Much Longer?
How do you get ready for Christmas? More importantly, how are you getting ready for the birth of the Christ child into your life?
The Gift of the Nutcracker: The Uncertainty of the In-Between
Jesus is the sole certainty in uncertain times. How will we make sure not to miss Him this Christmas?
Join us in your cars at 8:30am, in-person at 10am or 11:25am or stream us live at 11:25am!
Can you imagine what life would be like if we started each and every day, no matter what we are facing at that moment, giving thanks to God in all circumstances because the peace of Christ is already ruling in our hearts? Join us in your cars at 8:30am, in-person at 10am or 11:25am or stream us live at 11:25am!
New Sermon Series
Join us in your cars at 8:30am, in-person at 10am or 11:25am or stream us live at 11:25am!
New Sermon Series
Join us in your cars at 8:30am, in-person at 10am or 11:25am or stream us live at 11:25am!
From Death to Life: New Blood
Celebrate All Saints Sunday and say YES to the ultimate gift that God has for all of us. Join us in your cars at 8:30am, in-person at 10am and 11:25am or streaming live at 11:25am!
From Death to Life: You're Cured!
God has and will always offer us hope. It is an offer. It is a gift. We must do our part to receive that incredible gift of healing. Join us in your cars at 8:30am, in-person at 10am and 11:25am or streaming live at 11:25am!
From Death to Life: Turning on the Charm
His love is at work in your life, a gift you certainly don’t want to miss. Join us in your cars at 8:30am, in-person at 10am and 11:25am or streaming live at 11:25am!
From Death to Life: Sorry, but I have some bad news…
There are varying degrees of bad news but no matter what, our hearts drop when someone starts a sentence that way. It is because of what happens in today’s scripture that we hear God say that sentence to us. Join us as we begin this new sermon series in your cars at 8:30am, in-person at 10am or streaming live at 11:25am!
Flawed: Watch This!
What is the new thing that God is about to do in your life because of the flaws that you have been fighting, denying, or hiding from? God is making a way. Join us in your cars at 8:30am, in-person at 10am or streaming live at 11:25am!
Flawed: The Old Switcharoo!
How can God use your imperfection to show everyone else that God is perfect? Join us in your cars at 8:30am, in-person at 10am or streaming live at 11:25am!
Flawed: Mirror, Mirror, on the Wall
We live in a world where it is much easier to point out everyone else’s flaws long before we address our own. Join us in your cars at 8:30am, in-person at 10am or streaming live at 11:25am!
Flawed: Just the Right Amount of Sick
Are we the right amount of sick to qualify for God’s healing? If so, how do we make an appointment? Join us in your cars at 8:30am, in-person at 10am or streaming live at 11:25am!
Frequency: A Mobile Hot Spot
What kind of signal do you send out to those around you by the way that you live your life? Join us Sunday in your cars at 8:30am, in-person at 10am, or stream us live at 11:25am!
Frequency: Just Change the Channel
God’s frequency is always the best one for our lives. No one knows us better than God. After all, he created us. Join us Sunday in your cars at 8:30am, in-person at 10am, or stream us live at 11:25am!