Sermon Series rachel pelaia Sermon Series rachel pelaia


Can you imagine what life would be like if we started each and every day, no matter what we are facing at that moment, giving thanks to God in all circumstances because the peace of Christ is already ruling in our hearts? Join us in your cars at 8:30am, in-person at 10am or 11:25am or stream us live at 11:25am!

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Sermon Series rachel pelaia Sermon Series rachel pelaia

From Death to Life: Sorry, but I have some bad news…

There are varying degrees of bad news but no matter what, our hearts drop when someone starts a sentence that way. It is because of what happens in today’s scripture that we hear God say that sentence to us. Join us as we begin this new sermon series in your cars at 8:30am, in-person at 10am or streaming live at 11:25am!

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Sermon Series rachel pelaia Sermon Series rachel pelaia

Flawed: Watch This!

What is the new thing that God is about to do in your life because of the flaws that you have been fighting, denying, or hiding from? God is making a way. Join us in your cars at 8:30am, in-person at 10am or streaming live at 11:25am!

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