From Death to Life: Sorry, but I have some bad news…

The 18th Sunday after Pentecost and Communion Sunday, Rev. Dan Bogre will begin the sermon series “From Death to Life” based on Genesis 3:8-24.

When have you heard that sentence in your life? Someone says to you, “Sorry, but I have some bad news for you.”

Some news is far worse than others. Sorry, your car is finished. Sorry, your furnace is done. Sorry, you have cancer.

There are varying degrees of bad news but no matter what, our hearts drop when someone starts a sentence that way. It is because of what happens in today’s scripture that we hear God say that sentence to us.

How can this be? How did this happen? Is there any way out of it? This week we start the journey of going from death to life.

Join us in your cars at 8:30am, in-person at 10am or streaming live at 11:25am!


From Death to Life: Turning on the Charm


Flawed: Watch This!