Frequency: Tuning into God’s Voice
Most do not doubt that God has a plan for their lives, the difficulty is in discerning what it is. Join us Sunday in your cars at 8:30am, in-person at 10am, or stream us live at 11:25am!
Frequency: My Signals are Crossed
Are you trying to tune into the frequency God has for you and the one you want for your life at the same time? Join us Sunday in your cars at 8:30am, in-person at 10am, or stream us live at 11:25am!
Frequency: No Preset Buttons
God wants a perfect connection with his created people and will stop at nothing in order to get us on his frequency. Join us Sunday in your cars at 8:30am, in-person at 10am, or stream us live at 11:25am!
Shine: The B Team
Join us Sunday in your cars at 8:30am, in-person at 10am or streaming live at 11:25am. If Jesus called them with all their shortcomings to SHINE, and we know that they did, then we are in good company. Welcome to “The B Team.”
Shine: Connected to the Source
Join us Sunday in your cars at 8:30am, in-person at 10am or streaming live at 11:25am. To represent God in this world, there is no way around it, we must have an intimate relationship with our Bibles.
Shine: It's Not My Light
Join us Sunday, July 12 in your cars at 8:30am, in-person at 10am or streaming live at 11:25am.
Shine: Underestimating Perfection
Join us Sunday, July 5 in-person at 10am or watch us streaming live at 11:25am.
Upside Down: This doesn’t make any sense
We must see the world through God’s eyes in order to be able to see the world turned upside down. We cannot do it on our own.
Upside Down: This is not going to be easy
Are you prepared to go all in and have your life turned upside down?
Upside Down: No Fair
The last will be first and the first will be last. We love that saying unless we are first in line.
Upside Down: Perfect? I’m trying
Stream us live on June 7 at 11:25am for Graduate Recognition Sunday!
Close Encounters: What’s It Gonna Take?
What’s it gonna take for you to meet Jesus Christ and be changed?
Close Encounters: Settling for Second Opinions
Stream us live on Sunday, May 24 at 11:25am as Pastor Paul Bennett preaches from Mark 10:17-31.
Close Encounters: Hello, My Name Is ______
When we encounter Jesus he keeps peeling back the layers of our lives so we can see them the way that he sees them.
Close Encounters: Check Your Pride at the Door
Stream us live on May 10 as Pastor Paul A. Bennett begins the sermon series “Close Encounters.”
Storm Proof: Stop Squirming
Are you able to be still in the midst of the storm because of who is fighting for you?
Storm Proof: Cut the life boats
In the midst of the storm do you blame God or hang on to him with both hands?
Storm Proof: Laying a Storm Proof Foundation
Stream us live on Sunday, April 19 at 11:25am as Pastor Paul A. Bennett begins the sermon series “Storm Proof.”
Seven-Mile Miracle: Mile Marker 7: Reunion
The tomb is empty and the family reunion has begun. Will you be at the party?
Seven-Mile Miracle: I Don’t Want to Go There
It is all about the darkness that Jesus had to go through in order for us to know the light of eternity.