From Death to Life: Turning on the Charm

The 19th Sunday after Pentecost. Pastor Paul Bennett will continue the sermon series “From Death to Life” with the sermon “Turning on the Charm” based on Acts 17:22-27.

Our first stop in our sermon series brought us the bad news that our inborn sin condition carries with it a consequence of death. But a God who created us out of love and a desire to be in relationship with us would not leave us in such a state.

By means of a single act of outrageous sacrifice, God solved our sin problem and blazed a new path for us from death back to life.

Now, God could choose to force us, coerce us, threaten us onto this path of life.

Instead, long before we’re aware of the fact, God loves us onto that path and draws us in with His constant grace.

His love is at work in your life in similar ways as well, a gift you certainly don’t want to miss.

Join us in your cars at 8:30am, in-person at 10am and 11:25am or streaming live at 11:25am!


From Death to Life: You're Cured!


From Death to Life: Sorry, but I have some bad news…