Flawed: The Old Switcharoo!

The 16th Sunday after Pentecost. Rev. Daniel F. Bogre will continue the sermon series “Flawed” with the sermon “The Old Switcheroo!” based on John 9:1-7, 24-27.

Why, Lord? WHY?! We look at our flaws and yell to the Lord, why has this happened to me? Why do I have this problem or this flaw?

That is the absolute perfect question to ask. How can God use that flaw to glorify him? How can God use your imperfection to show everyone else that God is perfect?

When we approach our flaws and imperfections knowing that God will use them for glory, all of a sudden they take on a whole different purpose in our life and in turn we may discover a new purpose for our life.

Thank you, Lord, for my flaws.


Flawed: Watch This!


Flawed: Mirror, Mirror, on the Wall