Seven-Mile Miracle: I Don’t Want to Go There

Watch live on Maundy Thursday, April 9 as Reverend Dan Bogre preaches from John 13:1-17, 31b-35.

On this holy night we recount all of the places that Jesus had to go as we celebrate the Tenebrae service. That service is called the service of the shadows.

It is all about the darkness that Jesus had to go through in order for us to know the light of eternity.

In the text for tonight Jesus says, “Just as I told the Jews, so to I tell you now: Where I am going, you cannot come.”

Where he is going I never want to go. Even though my sins have sentenced me to that place, Jesus has chosen to go in my place.

May this remind me, now more than ever, that because of where he went, I will never have to go.


Seven-Mile Miracle: Mile Marker 7: Reunion


Seven-Mile Miracle: Mile 6: Triumph