Seven-Mile Miracle: Mile Marker 7: Reunion

Stream us live on Easter Sunday, April 12 at 11:25am as Reverend Dan Bogre preaches from Luke 23:44-49 and Matthew 28:1-10.

Please never forget this, Jesus’ life was never taken from him.

Jesus gave it up freely and voluntarily. No one came and stole his spirit from his body when he breathed his last.

Jesus gave his spirit back to God in the incredible last words that we read today. Jesus was and is and forever will be in control.

His suffering, death and resurrection were all about one thing, a reunion.

Jesus has now returned to the Father and more importantly has now reopened the bridge for all of us to find our way back to the Father as well.

The giant chasm that our sinfulness had created is now forever bridged by the sacrifice that Jesus made on our behalf.

The tomb is empty and the family reunion has begun. Will you be at the party?


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