Close Encounters: Settling for Second Opinions
Stream us live on Sunday, May 24 at 11:25am as Pastor Paul Bennett preaches from Mark 10:17-31.
What happens when a medical doctor gives us news we don’t what to hear, or when we seek out a friend for advice and their words don’t quite align with what we were hoping to hear? We seek a second opinion.
Perhaps a different doctor will see my condition from a different perspective, or a different friend will see my dilemma in a way that’s more to my liking.
These are natural reactions to real life scenarios, human nature at its finest. But what happens when we take this same mentality into our encounters with Christ?
What if, interspersed within His words of love and grace, He also speaks words of reproach and actually challenges me to change, to sacrifice something I hold dear?
Will I turn away from the very Son of God, selectively silence His words of wisdom, once again, in search of a second opinion?