
We are Grateful for Theo and Belle Moll Society Members!

We are Grateful for Theo and Belle Moll Society Members!

In a world that often seems in need of more light, this generosity shines brightly, inspiring others to join in the symphony of giving. Together, we are fortifying the foundation that allows RRUMC to be a sanctuary of support and spiritual growth for all who seek it. May you feel the warmth of our appreciation and the impact of your kindness in every story of success and every moment of connection fostered through these gifts.

Greetings from Twice Blessed Free Store and Story Church!

Greetings from Twice Blessed Free Store and Story Church!

As we head into the holiday season, the need continues to grow, and we’d love to have more helping hands. If you’re interested in volunteering or learning more about our mission, please don’t hesitate to reach out. And, if you’re able, we’re always in need of warm sheets, towels, and blankets to help provide a little extra comfort to those we serve.

Koinonia: Faith & Fellowship

Koinonia: Faith & Fellowship

The Discipleship Committee, which is best known for facilitating the Advent & Lenten studies and Disciple studies, has been hard at work developing a new ministry that will provide ongoing faith development opportunities. Although plans are still very much in the infancy stage, the excitement for this new ministry is such that the committee wanted to give YOU, the congregation, a sneak preview of the plan.