Sermon Series rachel pelaia Sermon Series rachel pelaia

Under Pressure

Where are we being pulled off course by peer pressure? How do we start to address this tremendous problem festering beneath the surface of many of our faith walks?

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Sermon Series rachel pelaia Sermon Series rachel pelaia

Whatever it Takes: Thanks Mom

As we celebrate Mother’s Day today, how powerful it is to remember the sacrifices moms make once they give birth to their children. Our lives are no longer about what we want or desire, they are all about putting that child before ourselves. Our faith calls for the same sacrifice and commitment.

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Sermon Series rachel pelaia Sermon Series rachel pelaia

Whatever it Takes: Oh no!

God, as He always does, delivers on His promise, and when it comes time for us to deliver on ours, we simply shout, “OH NO!” What will God’s call look like for us to live into the WHATEVER IT TAKES moments of our lives?

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Sermon Series rachel pelaia Sermon Series rachel pelaia

Easter Sunday

When we come to the empty tomb this Easter Sunday morning, what is it that you are bringing with you? What is it that is weighing you down? Leave all those things that lead to death and take LIFE, eternal life, with you. Happy Easter!

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