EOC Achieves Campaign Goal One Year Early!

Laity and clergy, working together, exceeded the goal of raising and collecting $1.5 million in support of the East Ohio Conference Teach • Reach • Bless campaign one year early.

The funds will be used to build a new residence hall that will house 90 female students on the campus of Africa University in Zimbabwe.

By generously supporting the campaign, donors showed their commitment to improving the education and wellness of women today for a better Africa tomorrow.

With the needed $1.5 million collected (due to a general challenge gift from Rev. Bill and Marty McFadden), the campaign transitions to the building phase. A building committee has been established consisting of representatives from the East Ohio Conference and from Africa University. A project manager has agreed to oversee the construction and plans are being made to break ground for the new residence hall in March 2022.

Excerpted from an article in “The Acadia”, Vol 27, Issue 1 which was based on an entire article by Rick Wolcott, Director of Communications for the EOC.