Children's Ministries — Rocky River United Methodist Church

Children's Ministries

by Quinn Bennett, Director of Children’s Ministries

Vacation Bible School is Back! Registration Begins Monday, April 18

This year’s theme is “Monumental: Celebrating God’s Greatness.” VBS will be June 20-24 from 9:00am-12:00pm. Children should be 5 years old (as of June 1) through entering the 6th grade (in the fall). The cost is $50 per child. Sign-ups will begin on Monday, April 18, at 8:00am. Spots are limited as we will only be accepting a limited amount of children this year. Register online.

VBS Volunteers/Donors Needed

It’s time again to get the Vacation Bible School (VBS) excitement started! We are hoping to have as close to “normal” of a VBS as possible. Although we will need to be cutting back numbers for safety of both the children and volunteers, I am confident God will make this year as amazing as ever!

To do so I need your help in several areas:

  • Provide donations to make this church come alive! You can have them directly delivered to the church c/o Quinn Bennett if you would like, or bring them in on a Sunday morning. I have even provided links to buy items needed to make things a little easier.

  • Sign up to volunteer during VBS week, to help decorate, or to help tear down. We need youth and adults of all ages. No one is ever alone in any capacity. Everyone is always partnered up to keep stress down and fun at an all-time high! Leaders don’t have to prep your rooms or pull materials together, that piece is already done for you.

  • Sign up to help. I promise you won’t regret it, and I promise you will grow!

  • Come help Mrs. Quinn organize on a day that fits your schedule. I need help making cacti, organizing materials, finding items in the closets of the church, and so very much more. Contact Mrs. Quinn directly to help with this.

  • You can also help from home with projects I can bring to you. This is great for those who are homebound and still want to be a part of the fun and church family. Contact Quinn directly to get information or projects to help.
