Successful Triple Play Bike Giveaway

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I would like to personally thank everyone who was involved with the success of our most recent bike give-away. And when I say everyone I really mean EVERYONE!

Beginning with our donors who made this possible, including financial contributions, and of course the massive amount of bikes that continue to come in! Next, our hard working, determined volunteers who at this time are few, but continue to roll up their sleeves and get their hands dirty week after week! And lastly, everyone who came out to assist on August 29 to experience the joy that comes from giving!

Many of you are already aware that we gave away over 50 bikes at this event at the Twice Blessed Free Store and I'm sure you also know as well that this was a combined effort of 3 ministries; Link-Up, Armored Disciples, and Twice Blessed. But what you may not realize is exactly how something this grand, this amazing, and this organized could come to be.

Surely there is no doubt in my mind that this was divinely inspired. But it truly takes individuals who are listening to the calm quiet voice of our Lord with the willingness to following his direction and to sacrifice and work hard to serve his will! I am sure that this article would take up too much space if I were to mention each individual who participated in this collective effort, but I feel obligated to mention one man in particular whose LOVE for CHRIST coupled with the DESIRE to serve along with his ENTHUSIASM for this ministry has taken such a key role in our bike giveaway.

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Don Jones was the first person I approached when I was inspired to start a bike ministry. His initial response was, “I'm jealous that I didn't think of this!” LOL. Don continued to advise and guide me through the process of starting a ministry. He also visited a similar ministry in another church in Florida to gain information for us to be successful. Don is also responsible for finding the location of our bike shop due to his involvement in other ministries and the relationships that he continues to maintain throughout his journey in faith. Starting up this ministry has been at times challenging and overwhelming, but Don has always managed to assist in keeping this vision on track.

A few months ago Don approached me with an idea for distribution to bring other ministries together to coordinate our next giveaway. I think he knew that I was getting a little stressed out and frustrated with the limitations of the COVID-19 pandemic and the challenges that we were facing with finding homes for all of the bikes that were literally piling up! He then worked ever so diligently and faithfully keeping track of the various bikes and sizes, figuring out how many helmets would be needed, and he worked out a game plan to make sure that this event would run as smoothly as possible! Don would never expect a pat on the back or any credit for the work that he has done for our ministries.

He is the hands and feet of Christ and understands the importance of service to others without the expectation of anything in return through acts of selfless giving which allows the Holy Spirit to flow through us and into the lives of countless others. My friendship with Don is just one of the many blessings that I have received during my service in this ministry and for that I am eternally grateful. Thanks Don! - by Brian Hintz, photos Lisa Thomas, Brian Hintz

On Saturday, August 29, the Armored Disciples Motorcycle Ministry partnered with Link Up Bike Ministry and Twice Blessed Free Store to give away 57 gently used and refurbished bicycles to families in need. The day was met with gratitude and smiles as participants were also treated to bike helmets, hotdogs, and prayers! It was a wonderful reflection of how, even during a pandemic, the ministries of RRUMC still serve and spread the love of Jesus throughout our communities and neighborhoods. The ADMM would like to thank everyone that participated and shared their time and talents with the people of TBFS! - By Lisa Thomas, Armored Disciples