Youth Activities

by Steven Young, Director of Youth Ministries

Like & Subscribe!

Don’t forget to like and subscribe to the youth Facebook and Instagram page via the youth page on the church website,! Throughout the week enjoy scriptural and encouraging posts and videos. Also, get up-to-date information regarding upcoming events, newsletters, and pictures. Questions? Contact Steven at

Youth Summer Activities

As thing slowly open back up, we are excited about upcoming summer youth activities. Please stay tuned to youth news and emails as we announce upcoming youth gatherings. Hope to see everyone again soon!

Daily Devotions for Student Ministry

I hope everyone is staying safe in these unprecedented times. I have been missing every student deeply and can’t wait to see everyone again. In an attempt to stay connected, I am sending out daily devotions 5 days a week. The devotions should take no longer than 5- 10 minutes of your time, but I certainly hope it has a much longer impact. These devotions will be interactive and I would recommend using a journal or typing out a response to the 2 or 3 questions. If you want to receive daily devotions, email Steven Young at to subscribe.

One Verse

In order to strengthen spiritual growth at home and apart, I will be releasing 2-3 minute videos called “One Verse.” In this very short video series, I will briefly speak to one verse and discuss its impact in my life and the possible impact in the lives of others. It’s a short, fun series to help spur spiritual growth. These videos can be found on the church website, RRUMC youth Facebook page, and the church’s YouTube channel.

Sunday Messages

Until the youth are able to meet again, Steven Young will be releasing short messages geared towards youth every Sunday. These messages will be in series that will change every few weeks with new and exciting lessons from God’s Word meant to strengthen, grow, and reach youth within the church. These videos can be found on the church website, RRUMC youth Facebook page, and the church’s YouTube Channel.