“RUACH”: Visions and Dreams
Are you dreaming God sized dreams and seeing visions that can only be seen through God’s eyes? Come, Holy Spirit, come.
“RUACH”: Visions and Dreams
We are not just supposed to have visions, but we are to have visions of what God wants us to see for us and the world. Are you dreaming God sized dreams and seeing visions that can only be seen through God’s eyes? Come, Holy Spirit, come.
“RUACH”: The Real Man Behind the Curtain
We are going to discover the Spirit anew, but unlike many discussions on the Spirit, we’re going to actually begin the first place the Spirit is mentioned, the second sentence of the entire Bible.
Pray Like Jesus
I pray to pull those things of God down from heaven, through Christ, that I may ultimately be pulled up. In this he teaches how to pray for others so that they too can have heaven pulled down for them in order that they might be raised up.
Pray Like Jesus
Jesus spent the whole night praying before he called the twelve disciples to journey with him. It was a deep, long, drawn out conversation with God. How can we get past the business of our lives to pray like this?
Pray Like Jesus
Jesus, in the communion text in Matthew 26:26-29, is giving thanks over the bread and the cup which will come to represent for the world for the rest of time, his broken body and shed blood. And yet, he give thanks over them.
In the Footsteps of the Savior: Caught Off Guard
If Jesus came into your life today, would you be caught off guard or would you RISE in praise and thanksgiving and yell, “That’s my Savior!” Celebrate with us this Easter!
In the Footsteps of the Savior: “We Rise!”
Join us on Maundy Thursday. Tenebrae service at 7:30pm in the Sanctuary. Communion at the rail.
In the Footsteps of the Savior: Start to Finish to Start
Who is this Jesus that will take us on this journey? We know where the journey takes Jesus. This Holy Week, where will the journey take you? Join us on Palm Sunday.
In the Footsteps of the Savior: Prayer Lessons from Gethsemane
Pastor Paul Bennett will continue the sermon series, “In the Footsteps of the Savior,” with the sermon, “Prayer Lessons from Gethsemane,” based on Mark 14:32-41 (read chapters 9 & 10 for this week).
In the Footsteps of the Savior: Grace Happens Here
Rev. Dan Bogre will continue the sermon series, “In the Footsteps of the Savior,” with the sermon, “Grace Happens Here,” based on John 8:1-11. UMCOR Sunday; Easter Cantata at the 10am Service; Daylight savings time begins.
In the Footsteps of the Savior: Let God Be Enough
Third Sunday in Lent and Communion Sunday; Rev. Dan Bogre will continue the sermon series, “In the Footsteps of the Savior,” with the sermon, “Let God Be Enough,” based on Matthew 6:25-34 (read chapter 4 for this week)
In the Footsteps of the Savior: “Life on Top of the Water”
Peter’s story represents beautifully the opportunity that awaits each of us in the midst of this Lenten season. Are we able to see Jesus for who He truly is, step out of our comfort zones, leave our excuses behind, and walk boldly across the water towards our Lord. Life on top of the water is life in a whole new realm of existence. It is where God calls us to reside. Will you join Him?
In the Footsteps of the Savior: “Care? Can? Come?”
Does Jesus care? Can Jesus do it? Will Jesus come? Those are the questions that I feel all of us have asked at one point or another in our lives. It could be cancer, a job loss, a struggling marriage, or a financial collapse.
Two Candles: I Get Him
God made sure that there is no gray area when it comes to who Jesus was, is, and always will be.
Two Candles: He Gets Me
Jesus gets you. Jesus knows all your human emotions. Jesus fully understands all that you go through as you go through all the ups and downs and twists and turns of life.
New Year- New Eyes: I always feel like somebody’s watching me.
When all we worry about is what others see in us, we may miss the most important eyes of all, the eyes of our Lord. What does Jesus see when he looks at us?
New Year- New Eyes: The Eyes of Your Heart
How do you see the world. Do you weep at times when you watch the news? Do you find joy when you see the miracles of God all around you? Maybe you are looking with the wrong set of eyes. Put on the eyes of your heart.
New Year- New Eyes: The Eyes Have It
One set of eyes will raise you up and the other set will bring you down. Which one does which may very well surprise you. It’s a new year, will you put on new eyes?