Moll Society Members Meet and Greet

by Lisa Sierk, Director of Endowment Ministries or 216.926.1702

Sunday, September 24

The Theo & Belle Moll Society is named in memory of Theo and Belle Moll, who exemplified faithful stewardship through their generous gift to establish the endowment funds at Rocky River United Methodist Church. Members of the Theo & Belle Moll Society share their testimony to our trust in God and faith in providing RRUMC with their support. Anyone who has a plan to give through their estate, or makes an outright gift to the Endowment Fund, regardless of the amount, is considered a member of the Theo & Belle Moll Society.

Join us following each worship service on Sunday, September 24, to meet some of our Moll Society members and consider joining these faithful friends. And know that I, or any member of our Endowment Committee, welcome the opportunity to meet with you and learn how you meet Jesus Christ in the midst of your story.

Endowment Committee:

• Rev. Dan Bogre, Senior Pastor

• Andy Henton

• Gary Lanzen

• Cindy Schafer

• Karen Weger

• Lisa P. Sierk, Director of Endowment Ministries


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