Children's Ministries

Twice Blessed Free Store Family Missions - Sunday, September 17

Twice Blessed Free Store Family Missions are back with a bang! Join us Sunday, September 17, at 3:00pm, in the café to make mugs of hot chocolate to be given away. Family missions are a short and fun way to teach your child to serve others. We look forward to seeing you there! Questions? Contact Quinn at

3rd Grade Bibles - Sunday, October 1

It is that time of the year again! It’s time to celebrate your child on the day they receive their 3rd grade Bible on Sunday, October 1. If you have a 3rd grader this year, please send an email to Quinn Bennett at if you don’t receive a letter in by Monday, August 28. Sometimes our lists aren’t complete and we do not want to miss your child. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask.

Tables and Treats - Saturday, October 21, Sign Up to Volunteer Today

We need your help to make Tables and Treats a success. It’s just like Trunk or Treat but inside and much warmer. Sign up to decorate a table and hand out candy! The fun will be on Saturday, October 21, from 5:00-8:00pm for those volunteering. To sign up or if you have any questions, email Quinn Bennett at

Church Picnic Recap

We had a ton of fun at our churchwide picnic this year. Lots of food, fun, and a whole lot of water! The weather cleared up just in time to enjoy the fellowship of our church family. Thank you to all who helped to make the night possible! It was a blast and we are already looking forward to next year! Tentative date August 5, 2024.


Moll Society Members Meet and Greet


Youth Ministries