Thank You for Your Generosity!

Toy Sunday: Just an update from last month when we reported 408 toys and over 46 books for donations; toys kept coming in and we ended up with around 500 toys/books to give away. Thank you so much!

Africa University Sunday: Thank you congregation for contributing $6,517 to the campaign to build a new women’s dormitory at Africa University. Because of the 1 for 3 matching offer by the McFaddens, your contributions will result in $8,689 going to the new dorm. Your generosity will help keep women safe as they will have on-campus residences and not have to make the dangerous journey from surrounding areas to attend classes.

Warming Trees: Thank you for filling the Warming Trees with 142 hats, 141 gloves, 58 scarves, 18 pairs of socks, 16 hat and glove sets, 10 scarf & hat sets, 8 earmuffs and head bands, 3 scarf and glove sets, and 1 stuffed animal. A special thank you to the Shawl Ministry Committee for the beautiful, knitted scarves and hats. These items were distributed to Providence House, Twice Blessed Free Store, May Dugan and The City Mission.

Hunger Offerings & UMCOR Donations: Thank you for your donations totaling $3,120 in 2021 via the hunger offering and for donating $1,820.89 to the United Methodist Committee on Relief during 2021. The hunger donations were divided between St. Matthew’s Soup Kitchen and Love INC.