Mission Outreach Opportunities

VBS Mission Project Donations

Those of you that are back in church have noticed the Vacation Bible School Operation Kid-to-Kid display and bulletin articles featuring a cute alpaca. Just a reminder that Sunday, June 27, is the last day to donate to this project providing alpacas to families in Ecuador. Donation envelopes are available on the display and in the bulletins.

School Supply Collection

Our annual school supply collection will be July 11-27. Please look for more details in upcoming bulletins and/ or displays in the church.

Brookside Food Pantry

Monday, July 12, 3764 Pearl Road. Because of COVID-19, food is being distributed differently than in the past. On the second Monday of the month, 9:15 am to 12:15 pm, volunteers from our church help load boxes of non-perishable food along with fresh produce and bakery items into the car trunks of people in need.

All Faiths Food Pantry

Thursday, June 24; July date TBD. Volunteers deliver bags of food to the homes and apartments of people with limited mobility in the Old Brooklyn area of the city. Various days and times toward the end of the month are available). To volunteer or if you have questions, contact Dave Sagerser at dsagerser@aol.com or 216.525.0779.

Cleveland Food Bank

The next Food Bank for adult volunteers (age 16 and older) will be Tuesday, July 27, 5:00pm8:00pm. Contact Dave Sagerser, 216.525.0779, dsagerser@aol.com to volunteer and receive registration instructions.