New Missionary for RRUMC!

For a number of years, our church has been supporting Paul Webster, a missionary at the Mujila Falls Agriculture Center in Zambia. He has retired from that role and returned to the U.S.

Recently, a search was launched to find a new missionary for our church to partner with and support. With the help of Steve and Beth Harry and family, a list of five candidates were identified from Mexico and Central America. These candidates were evaluated by the Mission and Outreach Committee and Dr. Belinda Forbes was selected.

Dr. Forbes is a missionary with the General Board of Global Ministries of The United Methodist Church serving in Managua, Nicaragua with Acción Médica Cristiana (Christian Medical Action or AMC).

AMC is a Nicaraguan Christian ecumenical organization specializing in community health and development in impoverished rural communities, many of which are home to indigenous and afrodescendent populations.

As AMC’s international liaison for community health, Dr. Forbes serves God and the church by contributing to a community-based primary dental health program, mentoring volunteers, and interfacing with AMC’s international partner organizations.

Before her ministry in Nicaragua, Dr. Forbes was in private dental practice in Boston and participated in volunteer dental service.

She maintains a blog where you can find out more about her and the work she does.
