Youth Ministries

by Steven Young, Director of Youth Ministries

Crossroads Schedule

Crossroads is for youth in grades 6-12. Crossroads is all about having fun, making friends, and learning about Jesus. It is a safe place for students to ask questions about God, faith, and purpose.

  • February 6, 4:00-5:30pm

  • February 13, no Crossroads

  • February 20, 4:00-5:30pm

  • February 27, 4:00-5:30pm

2022 Youth Mission Trip

The Youth Mission Trip this year is to Camp Asbury in Hiram, OH. This will be the first youth mission trip in nearly two years, and I believe Camp Asbury will be the perfect place to start up summer mission trips again. We will be doing work projects at the camp, while also enjoying lots of fun camp activities.

Camp Asbury has a unique connection to the United Methodist Church, as it is an official UMC East Ohio Conference camp.

Date: June 26 - July 1

Who: Students in grades 6-12

Cost: $300 (potential savings: $150 with fundraising activities)

Registration: Pay $50 deposit (check made out to “RRUMC” with “youth mission trip” on the memo line and given to Steven Young) and sign up online.

For any questions, contact Steven Young at