Nursery School News

by Karen Freeh, Rocky River United Methodist Nursery School Director

It is with bittersweet emotions that I announce the retirement of Mrs. Jeanette Lihani and Mrs. Judy Hoelzer from the Nursery School staff.

Mrs. Judy Hoelzer and Mrs. Jeanette Lihani Circus Week, 2020

Mrs. Judy Hoelzer and Mrs. Jeanette Lihani Circus Week, 2020

These friends made a pact early on that they came in as a team, so they want to leave as a team as well. Jeanette and Judy have mixed emotions in leaving, but both know it's their time to move on and want to pass the torch onto the next group of wonderful teachers, as they feel other "greats" did for them.

Both of these spectacular teachers have put their blood, sweat, and tears into RRUMNS for more than 16 years. We appreciate the wisdom and love for children that they have passed on to our great team of teachers and staff.

The staff of RRUMNS and RRUMC wish Jeanette and Judy a fond farewell - you will be missed!