Sermon Series rachel pelaia Sermon Series rachel pelaia

Easter Sunday

When we come to the empty tomb this Easter Sunday morning, what is it that you are bringing with you? What is it that is weighing you down? Leave all those things that lead to death and take LIFE, eternal life, with you. Happy Easter!

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Sermon Series rachel pelaia Sermon Series rachel pelaia

FOMO: Not Yet…

That is a community that gives me FOMO. That is an “on earth, as it is in heaven” community that I want to be a part of and help to bring into existence. May we all have FOMO for that community.

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Sermon Series rachel pelaia Sermon Series rachel pelaia

Fundamentals: The Starting Point

This month we are working on the fundamentals of our faith. In order to do that we need to know where we are starting from to begin that journey. The best part about the starting point is that we are not there long before we see incredible growth and life.

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