Distractions: Back to the Future
Join us on Sunday, September 29 as Rev. Dan Bogre preaches from Luke 24: 1-9.
Isn’t it amazing that sometimes the best way into the future is to look back to our past?
In week one we said the past can sometimes be the distraction that keeps us from moving into the future. That is true if our past keeps us from living into the future that God has planned for us.
At other times in life we can use the past to launch us into the future if we just remember.
In life there are times when we just get into the routine of living life, doing what we are supposed to, checking off all the things on our “to-do” lists.
The routine and the mundane of life become the overwhelming distractions that lead us away from the life-giving journey we have been called to in Christ.
Which life are you living? Routine and mundane or life to its fullest in Jesus Christ?