Sermon Series

Snake Salvation

"I'm All In... Philippians and What's Next" Series

May 29th, 2016

Pastor Paul is preaching.
Numbers 21:4-9

John 3:16 is probably the most recognized passage in all of Scripture. 

Many would agree that it captures the very essence of the Christian faith in just a single verse.  Through it, the path to salvation is laid plain before us.  But few have peeled back the layers to unveil the full depth of this verse, including the Old Testament reference about poisonous snakes that sets the context for it in the preceding verses (do I have your attention yet?!).  Join us as we revisit a familiar passage with new eyes, perhaps unveiling surprising new insights along the way.

Put It Into Practice

"I'm All In... Philippians and What's Next" Series

May 22nd, 2016

Reverend Dan is preaching.
Philippians 4

The point of this last chapter is that all of us can actually do this “living out our faith” thing. 

As you begin a whole new life in Christ Paul encourages us to not only talk about it but to put in into practice.  Maybe you have been in the faith for a long, long time and forgotten how to put it into practice.  Please let the May sermon series reinvigorate you to put your faith into practice.  LIVE IT!

Press On

"I'm All In... Philippians and What's Next" Series

May 15th, 2016

Reverend Dan is preaching.
Philippians 3

There is a misconception out there that once you go all in with Jesus Christ life will become easy. 

There is a belief that from then on all things will be good.  Unfortunately, life will still have a way of being life.  There are still struggles, divorce, cancer, broken relationships, heartache and pain.  The difference is that you are no longer on your own.  Jesus Christ has come along side you and at times will carry you through all of the moments of your life story.  That is why we are all able to press on.  We must look forward as we press on.  We must focus wholly and completely on Christ as we press on.  It is in following him and him alone that we are able to press on.

Loosening Our Grasp

"I'm All In... Philippians and What's Next" Series

May 8th, 2016

Pastor Paul is preaching.
Philippians 2

Inviting Christ to come alongside us on our life’s journey requires us to change our worldview and attitude, to change how we look at ourselves and at the world around us. 

Paul invites us to adopt the same mindset as that of Christ, one of humility and selflessness.  Our revamped view on life will make little sense to others, but it will avail to us the freedom and joy God offers, as well as open up the possibility for true community.  Just as Christ did when he descended from heaven, great reward awaits us as we “loosen our grasp” on worldly ways.

You're Not Done

"I'm All In... Philippians and What's Next" Series

May 1st, 2016

Reverend Dan is preaching.
Philippians 1


God is at work in your life. 

He always has been but now, if you have gone all in, you realize it and are agreeing to live into that life.  Paul is reassuring the church at Philippi that since God had started something great in them he would definitely keep working at it until it was complete in His eyes.  As God continues His great works in us we are called to live a life worthy of the gospel.  How are you doing in your “What’s Next” life journey? Are you living a life worthy of the gospel?

What If…I Go All In?

"What If?" Series

April 24th, 2016

Reverend Dan is preaching.
Acts 26:1-29

At Rocky River United Methodist Church “It’s All About The Story.” 

We exist to help people in the midst of their story. In this text we see Paul simply telling his story about a time before Jesus was in his life and his story after Jesus entered his life. Our lives are one long story being lived out and told. Before we know Christ in our lives, our stories seem as though they are just that; our stories. When we go all in on Jesus Christ, our story becomes Christ’s story being told through all of the nooks and crannies of our lives. Going all in for Jesus means that he gets to tell the story of our lives from now on. It will be the best story ever told and the best story ever heard. What if you go all in?

What If…Jesus Finds Me?

"What If?" Series

April 17th, 2016

Reverend Dan is preaching.
Luke 19:5-10

I believe that there are times in all of our lives when we are searching for something bigger than ourselves.

We may not call that “Something” Jesus, but we are searching. What I hope people realize is that Jesus is always searching for them. Zacchaeus just wanted to see who Jesus was but Jesus wanted to change Zacchaeus forever. The Bible said that when Jesus reached the spot where Zacchaeus was searching for Jesus, he looked at him. Jesus will always make it to that spot where we are searching for him. What if Jesus finds you in the midst of all your searching?

What If: I Just Climbed a Tree?

"What If?" Series

April 10th, 2016

Reverend Dan is preaching.
Luke 19:1-4

I love Zacchaeus in the text from Luke today.

The people hated him because he was a tax collector. They hated him even more because he was a fellow Jew extorting money from his own people for the Roman government. To top it all off, he was incredible wealthy. As if it couldn’t get any worse for Zacchaeus, Luke makes sure that we the readers know that Zacchaeus is extremely short in stature. The entire world of cards is stacked against him. But Luke tells us that Zacchaeus wanted to see who Jesus was. That’s all it took. He just wanted to see who he was. What if we too were willing to just want to see who Jesus was in the midst of our lives? What changed Zacchaeus’ life? He climbed a tree.

What If: I Stopped Fighting It?

"What If?" Series

April 3rd, 2016

Pastor Paul is preaching.
1 Kings 17:7-16

The widow in 1 Kings 17 needed a change.

Life, it seems, had not been kind to her, and try as she had, she and her only son were still on the brink of starvation. Whatever god or gods she had placed her trust in didn’t seem to care about her plight. That is until the God of Israel sent his prophet Elijah to her home. Despite her circumstances, Elijah came bearing no consumable gifts. But he did invite her to commit an act of faith that would re-open the channel for her to finally place her full trust in God. When the time comes when we’re finally ready to stop fighting God’s persistent call, our approach might be much the same. Committing one small step toward God can be all it takes to open the floodgates to his purpose and love. 

Have You Believed In Vain?

"Renegade Gospel: THe Rebel Jesus" Series

March 27th, 2016 - Easter

Reverend Dan is preaching.

John 20:1-18 and 1 Corinthians 15: 1-11

We will hear the same Easter story that we hear year after year, and yet year after year we are different than we were the year before.

In John’s gospel the stone is rolled away again and the tomb is empty again. Do you believe in the resurrection of Jesus Christ? Have you grabbed hold of that resurrection with both hands and let it guide your whole life? Paul says that if you have not held on to it with both hands, you have believed in vain. WELL?

Call Ahead Seating

"Renegade Gospel: The Rebel Jesus" Series

March 24th, 2016 - Maundy Thursday

John 13:1-17, 31b-35

It is so difficult to get a seat at many of the restaurants in our area on a Friday or Saturday night.

There are some restaurants that have reservations or even call ahead seating. The reality is that sometimes we are closed out at certain restaurant tables in our area. What about seating at the table for the last supper? There is always a seat reserved for you and for me. Do you know why? Our sinfulness is the reason. Your table is ready.

Our King Now AND/OR Forever

"Renegade Gospel: The Rebel Jesus" Series

March 20th, 2016

Reverend Dan is preaching.
Luke 19:28-40

In the book that we are studying for Lent, “The Renegade Gospel: The Rebel Jesus,” the author talks about chronos time and Kairos time.

Chronos time refers to chronological or sequential time while Kairos time refers to a more permanent or eternal time. Jesus Christ on Palm Sunday is riding into Jerusalem, but more importantly he is riding into your life. Whom do you see? Are we like those who lined the parade route that day and could see only their here and now king? They lived in chronos time. Or, are you like the Roman Centurion at the foot of the cross when Jesus died who stated, “Surely this was God’s son?” He discovered his Kairos time.

The Way of the Cross

"Renegade Gospel: The Rebel Jesus" Series

March 13th, 2016

Reverend Dan is preaching.
Luke 9:51-62

Jesus resolutely set out for Jerusalem.

That is what Luke tells us in his gospel today. Jesus set his face to Jerusalem with a clear purpose and dogged determination. Jesus knew the way of the cross long before he ever set his face to Jerusalem. There is a cost if we choose to follow Jesus. We do not always see it on the front end of that life-changing choice to follow Christ. However, there is always a cost. If we have not experienced a cost yet in our faith journey, are we truly living a life that walks the way of the cross?

Seeing Jesus Today

"Renegade Gospel: The Rebel Jesus" Series

March 6th, 2016

Reverend Dan is preaching.
John 12:20-36

Do you expect to see Jesus in your life or do you just hope to see him?

The words expect and hope have two totally different meanings. People live their lives in one of those words or the other. You cannot live in both of them. Some just hope to see Jesus while others are following Jesus so closely that they expect to see him in all the different nooks and crannies of their lives. Which one are you living in?

The Most Important Question You Will Ever Have to Answer

"Renegade Gospel: The Rebel Jesus" Series

February 28th, 2016

Reverend Dan is preaching.
Luke 9:18-24

Who is Jesus?

This question is almost impossible to answer until we determine who Jesus said he was throughout the scriptures. Jesus was very clear as to who he was and why he came to be Immanuel or “God With Us.” Once we have discovered who Jesus declared himself to be, then we can start to wrestle with the question on our own personal level. So, who is Jesus for you?

Set Apart, Together

"Renegade Gospel: The Rebel Jesus" Series

February 21st, 2016

Pastor Paul is preaching.
1 Peter 2:4-10

Part of following the ”Rebel Jesus” requires we are actually willing to be part of a rebellion.

But who’s ever heard of a rebellion enacted by one person, a revolution driven by a single individual?  To follow Jesus into mission, we must first claim our status as part of a united family, but a family that is together “set apart” from the world.  If we are to follow a rebel Jesus, we must accept that the strength and courage to do so can only be found in the company of other rebels.

The Rebel Jesus

"Renegade Gospel: The Rebel Jesus" Series

February 14th, 2016

Reverend Dan is preaching.
John 14:1-14

Jesus is the way to the Father.

Jesus is the conduit for us to flow through in order to get to the Father. What does that mean? Do we know what that means to follow Jesus, to live like Jesus, to model Jesus, and to live into his teachings? If you read the red letters in the four gospels that denote the times Jesus is speaking, you will see that Jesus was not here to keep the peace. Mike Slaughter said in his book, “Jesus came to Planet Earth as a peacemaker, but he was not a peacekeeper.” What does your Jesus look like?

(February 14th)

Reverend Dan is preaching.
John 14:1-14

esus is the way to the Father. Jesus is the conduit for us to flow through in order to get to the Father. What does that mean? Do we know what that means to follow Jesus, to live like Jesus, to model Jesus, and to live into his teachings? If you read the red letters in the four gospels that denote the times Jesus is speaking, you will see that Jesus was not here to keep the peace. Mike Slaughter said in his book, “Jesus came to Planet Earth as a peacemaker, but he was not a peacekeeper.” What does your Jesus look like?

Are You Ready For THIS Jesus?

"Renegade Gospel: The Rebel Jesus" Series

February 10th, 2016 - Ash Wednesday

Reverend Dan is preaching.
Matthew 10:34-39

Hey Jesus, HANDS OFF my life!

I go to church. I pledge. I read my Bible. Isn’t that enough? If I do all of that in my life everything should go just fine. In Matthew 10 Jesus says that he did NOT come to bring peace. Jesus alludes to the fact that if we are doing faith the right way then we will most definitely face difficulties along the way. Jesus’ gospel is counter intuitive to our world. Jesus goes against the grain of this world and our lives until we get it right. Is your faith easy or are you finding it to be difficult? Are you doing it right?

Wake Up Sleepyhead

February 7th, 2016

Pastor Paul is preaching.
Luke 9:18-20, 28-36

Lent, a time of preparation to commemorate the death and resurrection of Christ, is only a few days out.

Today we prepare ourselves to enter that time of preparation.  When Jesus was preparing His disciples for the actual events of His death and resurrection, He did so by revealing Himself to them in all His glory.  He was transfigured before them.  Often, the greatest means of being awakened from our slumber, of reviving a sleeping faith, is to be reminded of the full glory, power and love of our remove the shades and see His light at full strength.  This is the experience three of Jesus’ disciples had on the mountain that day.  We seek a glimpse of that together as well.

Therefore ...

"A Heart For Service" Series

January 31st, 2016

Reverend Dan is preaching.
Hebrews 12:1-3

Mary.  Plain old Mary.  She was no one special.  

She was easily looked over in her own community.  She was just plain old Mary.  That was her old life.  God placed a call on her life and her new life was about to begin.  Jesus Christ came that we all might have new life in and through him.  Have you walked through the door that leads to your new life?  It’s scary.  It’s confusing.  I think that is why the angels almost always said to the person to whom they were sent, “Do not be afraid.”  Are you still waiting for your new life to begin? It’s right in front of you.  Can’t you see it?