Reflections By Rev. Dan Bogre
Dear Friends and Family of RRUMC,
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
It is that time of year when we are thinking about New Year’s resolutions. I know that I am going to drop about 30 pounds this January and February. My plan is perfectly in place. Pray for me (LOL).
As I write this on December 8, I am reflecting back on an incredible Sunday on December 4. We had our highest attendance since March of 2020. We are now celebrating communion by passing the communion plates again at the 8:30am Chapel Service and at the 10:00am Sanctuary Service. We have been celebrating communion by intinction for three months now at the Harbor Service. We also are once again passing the offering plates at the Sanctuary Service.
People were so excited last Sunday to have all of those special and important parts of the service back in place.
I saw a church sign some years ago that said this, “Welcome to CH—CH. Do you know what’s missing from our church? UR.” It’s time. We miss you and we miss seeing your face on Sunday mornings here at RRUMC. We are so blessed to have our streaming service for those who cannot attend, for those on vacation, and for those who have come to call our church home while streaming from other parts of the country. However, there is nothing that can replace face to face gatherings as we worship and praise our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and the God who sent him.
That is exactly what I was feeling this past Sunday. I was able to see all three services wonderfully attended. The singing was louder than I have heard it in a couple of years. There were people at the Harbor Service that came up to me with joy and excitement saying to me, “Look how many people are here. We are back!”
If you have been on the fence about coming back, now is the time. There is a rising wave of faith and joy and celebration as our church sees our folks coming home to church to worship God with prayer, song, sermon, gathering, giving, and so much more. I don’t want you to miss out on any of those things. I want to personally invite you back to worship on Sunday mornings at our Rocky River Campus at 8:30am in the Chapel, 10:00am in the Sanctuary, and 11:30am in Beacon Hall.
You are also personally invited to worship at our Story Church campus in Cleveland at 9:55am on Saturdays. Following that worship service, you can volunteer at the Twice Blessed Free Store. All those worship services are available to best fit your schedule as well as fitting your worship style preference.
May I be the first to say to you, WELCOME HOME TO CHURCH!!
Peace and Blessings,
Rev. Daniel F. Bogre