Children's Ministries
by Quinn Bennett at
Upward Sports
It’s Upward basketball and cheer time already! Early registration begins Tuesday, October 1. The cost is $160 through Monday, November 19. On Tuesday, November 20, the cost will go up to $200. Practices will start this year on December 9, allowing the season to start and end earlier. Games will run from January 11 through March 1. This change was made to help the season end before the spring sports season begins. Register online and see you soon!
Bible Sunday
October 6 is Bible Sunday. Do you have an incoming 3rd grader? Mrs. Quinn will be sending letters to each of the 3rd graders. If you have a 3rd grader this year and do not receive a letter by September 1, please contact her right away. Questions? Contact Quinn Bennett at
Mission Possible - Sunday, October 20
Join us for Mission Possible as we make jump ropes out of tshirts for Operation Christmas Child. Mission Possible will be on Sunday, October 20, at 3:00pm. We need lots of hands to make this one possible. Can’t make it that day? You can still help as there is a lot of cutting to do. Contact Quinn Bennett at to help.
Tables and Treats - Saturday, October 26
Let those kids wear their costumes more than once and join us for Tables and Treats on Saturday, October 26, from 6:00-8:00pm. We’re inside so it’s rain or shine! Enjoy an evening of fun, music, raffles, and more. Would you like to help out? Then sign up to decorate a table for Tables and Treats. Tables can be as simple as a table cloth or elaborate as you want. Best table will get their name on the plaque and bragging rights for the year. If interested, fill out the sheet on the information table outside the pastors’ offices or sign up online. Thank you for all your help in making this night a success. Questions? Contact Quinn Bennett at
Pajama Sunday - Sunday, October 27
Our next Pajama Day for Sunday school is on October 27. So come and show Miss Quinn your favorite PJ’s that morning!