Link-Up Bike Ministry

Don Jones & Rev. Matt from our Link-Up Bike Ministry recently spent a teach and hands-on morning with children from Westlake United Methodist’s Kickin Summer Service Kids program.

They started by explaining bicycle parts and functions. Then they looked at around 20 bikes donated by Bay Village UMC and fixed bikes (replaced tubes, adjusted cables, adjusted chains , etc.) and shared the way these bikes will bring God’s help and justice to others in need of a bike. What could not be repaired was labeled as such. All bikes, repaired or not, were donated to Link-Up. According to the program leaders at Westlake UMC, they made a big impression!

Rev. Matt and Don received a bunch of thank-you cards from the

children. Below is a sampling of those cards.


2023 Educational Benevolent Endowment Fund Scholarship


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